Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Graffiti Rose

Here is the begining of a wall I have started which will be covered in roses which I am painting in sprays.

The whole concept has come about due to one of my staff members "challenging the boss" as he put it. I find this a good way of getting the creative juices flowing as you have to step up and take the challenge.

I will continue to add images as I add to the wall.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

My beautiful baby girl

Here are just some random photo's of my beautiful daughter

Random Through Ups

These are just some random protraits that I have started to do in sprays

More Bellamy Stuff

Here are a few more pics of stuff done at Bellamy. The image of the Ninja Monkey was done by one of my staff with a group of the youngsters and the image of the vines with the flowers was done by me and some more youngsters.

The Bellamy project is due to finish at the end of March and hopefully if more funding comes through we will be able to continue with similar stuff on the estate.